Thursday, January 3, 2008

"Que hay 'pa mi?"

I got to Puerto Plata airport on New Years Day in the afternoon. I had never flown into this aiport before, even though it is only 7 miles from Sosua! I have heard that the customs officers here are just as bad if not worse than in the other airports in the country. Actively soliciting tips and bribes is the norm. I came fully prepared for this, since I was coming in with some school supplies, old clothes, and a couple of DVD players (the cheapie $18 ones at wal-mart) for donation to the local school. I was even prepared to give the officer one of the DVD players in case of the very real possibily that he asks me. "Que hay 'pa mi?" (What's there for me?). Electronics can be taxed up to 250% duty here plus the 16% ITBIS (like a VAT) on top of that. ( that's why electronics are very expensive here.) So it would actually be cheaper in the end if I had a problem to give away one of the DVD players. In the end it wasn't necessary. While going through customs, the officers were preocupied asking some gringos ahead of me for propinas (tips) so they won't get their bags searched. I just cut in front of them and confidently made my way to the exit, not stopping for a second and holding my declaration out for an officer to take it from me. One of them did and just let me keep walking and that was the end of that. With 2 50lb bags and a carry on that easily weighed 30lbs, I really dodged a bullet there. I was suprised they let me through so easily.

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